User Comments on "El Mundo Hispano"

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©2011 Canadian Academy of the Arts

College students of Spanish on the beginning and intermediate levels have given their feedback on "El Mundo Hispano" after using the site as part of their studies. Their consistently positive responses prove that users of the program on various levels and in different age groups consider it to be an extremely effective tool for improving their reading and speaking skills.

It should be noted that utilization of the program as a learning tool was completely independent of the Academy. The sole role of the Academy was to create the website and make it available to Internet users.

Reproduced below is a sample of the comments that the students have made on the four major aspects of the program: the Site as a whole, the Lookup Features, the Link Pages, and the Review Exercises.

The Site

"I think this website is fantastic."

"The site is basically foolproof."

"I saved the website as a favorite place!"

"...very easy to navigate."

"...easy to use."

"The site has obviously taken a lot of time and planning."

"It was appealing to the eye with the wonderful designs."

" extremely useful tool to build one's reading skills."

"...a great tool for intermediate students to use for practicing their reading skills."

"If a student wants to learn about Spanish life and culture, and increase his vocabulary, then this site would come in very handy."


The Lookup Features

"I found the experience enjoyable and was surprised at how much I was able to do."

Clicking on any word and getting all that information about it "is wonderful!"

"The basic one word help was great...I also liked the fact that I could get the entire sentence translated and see how the words interact together."

"...if you click on the last word in [the] sentence, the entire sentence is translated. What a genius idea!"

Your Lookups "can be [displayed] in alphabetical or in text order."


The Link Pages

"The link site was great. This is something that I could use as a beginning Spanish student."

"I really like all the links and the amount of help that is available on the website."

"With all the links incorporated in this website, I think it will be extremely useful to...anyone learning to speak Spanish."

"I will definitely use this site on my own to increase my vocabulary."


The Review Exercises


"...the review exercise was actually very helpful and well prepared."

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