hace frío | it's cold | hace mucho calor | it's very hot |
hace fresco | it's cool | hay viento | it's windy |
hay calina | it's hazy | hay smog | it's smoggy |
hay neblina | it's misty | hay niebla | it's foggy |
está nublado | it's cloudy | llovizna | it's drizzling |
llueve (< llover) | it's raining | graniza | it's hailing |
nieva (< nevar) | it's snowing | hay una nevada | there's a snowstorm |
hay hielo en la calle | there's ice in the street | hay una ventisca | there's a blizzard |
hay escarcha en el techo | there's frost on the roof | se derrite (< derretirse) | it's melting |
escampa | it's clearing up | sube la temperatura | the temperature's rising |
sale el sol | the sun's coming out | hay sol | it's sunny |
se pone el sol | the sun's setting | hay luna llena | there's a full moon |
hay rocío en el césped | there's dew on the grass | sube la marea | the tide's rising |
Tiempo | (sustantivos) | Weather | (nouns) |
una ola de calor | a heat wave | una tronada | a thunderstorm |
una brisa | a breeze | una helada | a frost |
un viento | a wind | una nevisca | a light snow |
una ráfaga de viento | a blast of wind | una nevada | a snowstorm |
un viento huracanado | a violent wind | una ventisca | a blizzard |
un tornado | a tornado | una gota de lluvia | a raindrop |
un huracán | a hurricane | un charco | a puddle |
un ciclón | a cyclone | una inundación | a flood |
un chubasco | a shower | un copo de nieve | a snowflake |
un aguacero | a downpour | una bola de nieve | a snowball |
un relámpago | a flash of lightening | un carámbano | an icicle |
un trueno | a thunderclap | un témpano | an iceberg |