To be | Estar | To have | Tener dolor de |
constipated | estreñido | a backache | espalda |
dizzy | mareado | an earache | oído |
listless | apático | a headache | cabeza |
out of sorts | indispuesto | a sore throat | garganta |
paralyzed | paralizado | a stomachache | estómago |
To have | Tener | Other expressions | Otras expresiones |
chills | escalofríos | to sneeze | estornudar |
a fever | fiebre (f) | to have a runny nose | gotearle la nariz a uno |
a cough | tos (f) | to blow your nose | sonarse las narices |
a stuffy nose | la nariz tupida | to have a nosebleed | tener una hemorragia nasal |
sore eyes | los ojos irritados | to see double | ver doble |
a migraine | jaqueca (f) | to be nauseous | tener náuseas |
a stiff neck | tortícolis (f) | to lose weight | perder peso |
a sprain | una torcedura | to faint | desmayarse |
a fracture | una fractura | to limp | cojearse |
heartburn | acidez (f) | to be short of breath | sofocarse |
cramps | calambres | to choke on something | atragantarse con algo |
Impedimentos físicos | Physical impediments | (Si permanentes, use "ser") | (Si no, use "estar") |
blind | ciego | hard of hearing | medio sordo |
blind in one eye | tuerto | deaf | sordo |
cross-eyed | bizco | deaf and dumb | sordomudo |
nearsighted | miope | hunchbacked | jorobado |
farsighted | présbita | lame | cojo |
color-blind | daltónico |